ProLEAD Certificate Program - Advanced Leadership Training

Boost your knowledge and skills for a comprehensive leadership approach.

Becoming a great leader takes an entirely different skill set from where you started as an entry-level employee. Unless you have been taken under the wing of a great mentor or participated in an immersive training program at your organization, you're learning to swim in an ocean of uncharted waters with unpredictable challenges and obstacles every day.

The ProLEAD program is designed for those with basic managerial skills who are seeking more guidance and insight on tough topics that keep them up at night, such as terminating employees, handling budgets, and internal politics.

ProLEAD will provide you with the knowledge and skills for a well-rounded leadership approach.

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers who already have the basic leadership skill set and are now seeking additional information for situations that require further insight and coaching.

  • Professionals who want to advance their career, but may be struggling to fill a knowledge gap.

  • Managers who are stuck or plateaued and need a boost of knowledge, advice, or momentum to get back on track.


  • Individuals should have completed a comprehensive management or leadership training program, such as Hawkeye’s LEAD Certificate program, or earned an associate or bachelor’s degree in business management.

  • Leaders must also have at least one year of experience managing someone directly.

Program Format

The ProLEAD Certificate program includes:

  • Ten four-hour classes that meet monthly
  • Two one-hour individual coaching sessions with a professional coach
  • One one-hour Habit Builder Webinar

Participants will use the Habit Builder tool, which will help them integrate new leadership skills into their job.

Participants have the choice to attend in person at Hawkeye Community College, Buchanan Hall, Advanced Technology and Business Center or tune in remotely via Zoom.


To earn the ProLEAD Certificate, participants must attend at least seven of the ten classes, dial in to both individual coaching calls, and attend the required one-hour Habit Builder webinar.

2024 ProLEAD Certificate Program Classes


Leadership: It Starts with You

We have all heard the saying, “Put your mask on first before helping others.” Leadership is much like this. Meaning you, as a leader, must first have your mindset and emotions right in order to lead others to the highest level. In the session, you learn how to develop a growth mindset and leverage your emotions to better serve yourself, your employees, and the company. The results of a growth mindset include seeing new opportunities not seen before, more employee productivity, creativity, innovation, engagement, and commitment.

Date: Thursday, February 8, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Ronee Anderson


Habit Builder Webinar

In this introductory webinar, leadership coach, Joel Bennett, will help participants identify leadership behaviors they would like to improve throughout the certificate program. Using an individualized process and the Habit Builder tool, each participant will implement these new behaviors into their daily work habits.

Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024
Time: 9:00 – 10:00am
Leadership Coach: Joel Bennett


Maximizing Your Productivity

Are you stressed because you spend all day working and at the end of it you have nothing to show? Gain insight on when your peak performance time is during the day and what activities you should be doing during that time. Also, receive solutions for time wasters, review tips for utilizing work resources, and examine how super productive people get it done.

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Terry Whitson


Individual Coaching Calls

During this week you will have a scheduled one-hour, one-on-one coaching call with leadership coach, Joel Bennett. This is your time to reflect on what you are learning in the program and target new leadership behaviors you want to practice. This is a wonderful opportunity to get personalized coaching, integrate key learnings from the program into your daily leadership habits, and build a plan to measure the impact your efforts are having.

Date: April 15 – 26, 2024
Facilitator: Joel Bennett


Trust, Respect, and Ethics

More than ever people are looking for leaders who they can trust and respect. This is built on a foundation of ethics. In this class you will learn the vital role that the values of trust, respect and ethics play in the workplace. Behaviors that exemplify each of these values will be clarified, and the class will observe how each of the values play a role in a leader’s influence. This class will challenge and inspire you to be that kind of leader we all need now and in the future.

Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Heather Woody


Team Engagement Through Leadership Conversations

According to the 80/20 principle, 80% of the work gets done by 20% of your employees. It’s very likely those employees are probably the most engaged at the company, which is why they are the most productive. What if you, as the leader, knew what to do to get more employees engaged? This class will share the key conversations leaders need to have with their teams to impact their company culture and give them a competitive edge.

Date: Thursday, May 16, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Joel Bennett


Skillful Negotiation

Managers negotiate every day - from convincing a direct report to come in on Saturday, to reaching a starting salary for a new hire. In this class, you’ll discover how to approach different situations, ask better questions, frame the discussions, and analyze the risks along with weighing the various options. You will practice your new negotiation skills in a safe environment with positive feedback from the instructor and other class participants.

Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Terry Whitson


Are We Making Money Yet?

Profit is the obvious goal of any business – the ‘bottom line’. In order to answer the question of whether a business is profitable, leaders and managers must interpret and analyze financial reports regularly. Knowing how to read these reports is essential for identifying the financial performance of the organization, department or service line. During this class, you will analyze three main financial reports (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow) and understand the numbers and data within each report. Also, you will define the difference between accrual and cash accounting, and calculate key financial ratios so you can make informed decisions.

Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 8:00–10:00am
Facilitator: Kathie Rotz


Leaders are Career Architects

We take proactive steps to build a retirement plan, to manage our health, even invest in cars and properties to maintain and create value, but too often leave our own careers to chance. Be the architect of your professional life, starting now. Step one as a leader happens in your current role and decisions – at the place where your expertise, your brand communication, and your relationship network meet – a blueprint. Step two is building out a career vision through strategic learning – digital technologies, industry trends, and people knowledge transfer. This course will touch on topics from LinkedIn and productivity tools to hiring and seeking feedback. Learn how to architect your career, as a professional and as a leader, like a pro.

Date: Thursday, August 15, 2024
Time: 10:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Sandra Flikkema


Difficult Conversations

Dealing with difficult people and conducting those conversations is one of the most challenging tasks leaders perform. This class session will review productive and unproductive conflicts. Gain a deep appreciation for the purpose and opportunity for healthy and challenging conversations affords their organizations. Engage in strategies that offer the best results and relationship outcomes, and clarify the “what not to do” strategies.

Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Heather Woody


Individual Coaching Calls

During this week you will have a scheduled one-hour, one-on-one coaching call with leadership coach, Joel Bennett. This is your time to reflect on what you are learning in the program and target new leadership behaviors you want to practice. This is a wonderful opportunity to get personalized coaching, integrate key learnings from the program into your daily leadership habits, and build a plan to measure the impact your efforts are having.

Date: September 16 – 27, 2024
Facilitator: Joel Bennett


Effective Performance Reviews

Are your performance reports making a difference? By the end of this class, you will be better equipped to write and deliver performance reviews that are filled with evidence and value that direct reports appreciate and specifically know what to work on to improve their work performance. Class will practice phrasing sticky scenarios and will be exposed to tools to assist them in the future.

Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Terry Whitson


Improve Your Critical Thinking, Improve Your Success

Critical thinking is one of the most important skills to improve for future success. Being able to gather the right information from different perspectives in order to make the most accurate decision can have a lasting impact, not only for a current project but for your career. In this class, you will examine common thinking and decision-making mistakes. In addition, you’ll improve your ability to assess problems, identify root causes, generate solutions and determine best alternatives along with their consequences and implications.

Date: Thursday, November 21, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Dr. Celina Peerman


Developing Self-Managing and Emotionally Intelligent Team Members

The ultimate goal for a manager is to have self-sufficient, mature employees who are proactive, trusted role models in the organization and community. This is a long road of development that progresses at different speeds and takes different routes depending on the employee. In this session, participants will be challenged to raise the bar of expectations for their staff and themselves, and leave with ideas on how to do this.

Date: Thursday, December 19, 2024
Time: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Facilitator: Heather Woody


Register before December 1, 2023 for Early Bird Pricing of $1,795 per person for the first five employees and $1,595 for each additional employee.

Starting December 1, 2023, the price will increase to $1,945 per person for the first five employees and $1,745 per person for each additional employee.


To register, complete the 2024 ProLEAD Registration form [pdf] and email the completed form to Corporate and Business Solutions.

Registration deadline: January 27, 2024

A staff member will contact you to confirm registration and answer any questions. We will invoice your company for the total number of seats to the ProLEAD Certificate Program.

Request more information about the ProLEAD Certificate Program

Contact Corporate and Business Solutions at 319-296-4223 or complete the form below for more information.

All fields marked with * are required.

Contact Information

Corporate & Business Solutions

Buchanan Hall 122
Email Corporate and Business Solutions

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