Suspicious Person

If You Encounter a Person with Suspicious Behavior

  1. Do not physically confront the person(s).

  2. Do not let anyone into a locked building, office, or other space.

  3. Do not block the person(s) access to an exit.

  4. Be a good witness.

  5. Call Hawkeye 社区 College Public 安全 and 911 and provide as much information as possible about the situation. This includes the following, but is not limited to:

    • Description of suspect including height, weight, skin color, and hair color.

    • Clothing description.

    • Direction of travel.

    • Any weapons or threats.

  6. Follow the directions of emergency services personnel.

Contact Information

Learn more about the Hawkeye Alert

Police / 火 / Medical / Suspicious Behavior


Hawkeye Public 安全


Hawkeye 警报 and Information


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