Criminal Justice Liberal 艺术 Transfer Majors


Transfer Major Details and Suggested 课程


学分 60
靠谱买球app推荐 全职,兼职
程序开始 秋天,春天,夏天
课程的格式 面对面,混合,在线
类满足 Day, evening, or a combination of both to fit your schedule
靠谱买球app推荐程序 选择学术课程:
Liberal 艺术 – AA (Criminal Justice Transfer Major)


居民学杂费 ×课程学分 + 课程费用(如适用)= 课程费用计算


The cost calculation does not include:


学生应该咨询他们的学术/大学成功顾问来选择课程, 制定转学计划, and periodically review their progress towards their degree completion.


Not all courses may be required for transfer to your future major.

课程 and course cost calculations are subject to change.


crj - 100 Introduction to Criminal Justice O 3 $675.00
eng - 105 作文我 O E 3 $675.00
关闭阀- 108 大学经历 O E 1 $225.00
soc - 110 社会学概论 O 3 $675.00
Liberal 艺术 AA Elective course 1
Liberal 艺术 AA Humanities course 3

crj - 200 犯罪学 O 3 $675.00
eng - 106 作文二世 O E 3 $675.00
垫- 156 统计数据 O E 3 $675.00
Liberal 艺术 AA Elective course 3
Liberal 艺术 AA Humanities course 3

crj - 201 青少年犯罪 O 3 $675.00
波尔- 111 美国国家政府 O E 3 $675.00
Liberal 艺术 AA Elective course 3
Liberal 艺术 AA Science course with lab 4
Liberal 艺术 AA Social Sciences course 3

spc - 101 Fundamentals of Oral Communication or O E 3 $675.00
spc - 112 公众演讲 3 $675.00
Liberal 艺术 AA Elective course 3
Liberal 艺术 AA Elective course 3
Liberal 艺术 AA Humanities course 3
文科AA数学课程 or 3
Liberal 艺术 AA Science course 3



As a future criminal justice 专业, students need to use good judgment in all areas of their personal, 专业, and scholastic interactions and activities; and must keep their records clean. Criminal justice organizations require background checks for internships, 志愿者服务基地, and employment; which will include adult and juvenile civil and criminal issues, official and informal contacts with police, 以及角色参考. Employment will also hinge on the successful completion of a polygraph, 信用检查, 心理评估.

要意识到你的性格很重要,你的行为会破坏你从这个项目毕业的能力和你在这个领域工作的能力. Consider what your actions and criminal history says about you….i.e. OWI的定罪表明你的判断力很差,因为你饮酒过量,决定开车, which may kill or injure you or another person. 记住,你的个人行为(你没有被抓到的)将在测谎仪中暴露出来, 你私下里(在没有人监视或监督的时候)所做的事充分说明了一个人性格的真实内容.

If you want to work in criminal justice avoid these issues:

  • Acquiring speeding tickets or safety violation citations.
  • 被吊销驾照或因吊销驾照而受到的传票.
  • 参加未成年人饮酒、使用假证件或者为未成年人购买酒类的.
  • Use or abuse of prescription drugs, 街头毒品, 俱乐部毒品(摇头丸), 大麻, 或者合成药物.
  • Engaging in theft of property, goods, or 服务.

You will not be employable in criminal justice if you have:

  • 重罪定罪.
  • 家庭暴力定罪.
  • Placement on an abuse registry (Sex offender, child/elder abuse).
  • 有吸毒前科,或有吸毒史(冰毒、可卡因、海洛因等).)各机构(城市, 县, 状态, 或者联邦政府)对大麻的使用设定了自己的限制,从零容忍到有限的使用量, and factors in how recent the use was.
  • 违反武器.

最终, 刑事司法部门的雇主会根据以下标准来合理化你的行为:如果你知道或有理由相信一项行为是非法的或会造成伤害,那么最好的候选人将承担责任, 展示自我控制, 不去做.

Lastly, employers will ask our faculty for references. 学生需要知道,全职教师和兼职教师会不断地根据学生的学习成绩进行正式和非正式的评估, 出席, 诚实, 专业, 社会技能, 成熟, and appearance so that we can make objective assessments when asked. Your interactions count, and we are here to mentor you.


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